All About Thanksgiving!

Did you know that turkey wasn’t served at the first Thanksgiving? Also they didn’t have forks to use either. Many people think that there were only 5 women at the first Thanksgiving. Every Thanksgiving about 46 million turkeys are killed. ☹️  One last  fact about this special holiday is the president pardons 2 turkeys from getting their heads chopped off and from getting eaten by families. Happy Thanksgiving!!!(:imagesimages

Good-Bye Halloween):+++

Halloween is sadly over but at least we all still have our candy from trick or treating. Since Halloween is over everyone is prepared for Christmas but that is only because they have forgot all about Thanksgiving. The day we all give thanks and sit around a table with our family and eat a lot of food. They all forgot about that and I know a few people didn’t but very many. (manly the kids who forgot .) So I hope that by reading this post that you don’t forget about it this year.Thank you for reading.(:

What is Matter?

       There are three main types of matter. They are solid, liquid and gas. All though some people believe that there is a fourth type of matter called plasma. So let’s start with me telling you about a solid. A solid is some thing were the atoms stick together and don’t move around. They stay still and don’t move .  But it’s different When your taking about liquid because if you think about water it takes the shape of the thing that it is in. So if it is in a glass of water, the atoms in it are moving around a lot. Even when you just shake the water around you are moving  hunderds of thousands of atoms. But with gas, if you just give your freind a high five you are moving around thousand of atoms in the air.images